Nico André Schmid
Since September 2021, I am an assistant professor of Operations Management at IÉSEG - School of Management on their Paris Campus. Before, I was working as a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University where I recently defended my Ph.D. on the design of assembly systems in the program of Business Economics, wonderfully advised by Prof. Veronique Limère. Throughout my Ph.D., I had the great and enriching opportunity to visit Prof. Benoit Montreuil at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA).
Research interests
My Ph.D. focussed on the optimization of assembly systems with respect to balancing and feeding decisions. This involves a lot of optimization using mixed-integer programming techniques. Within my current projects, I am also using constraint and stochastic programming. Since the field of study is quite practical, I aim to collaborate with companies whenever possible. Within my master thesis, I investigated the complexity of a job-shop scheduling problem. Furthermore, I am interested in disassembly line balancing and production facility layout.
Short biography
Assistant Professor of Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management (September 2021 - present)
Postdoctoral researcher, Ghent University (June 2021 - August 2021)
Visiting scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology (January 2019 - November 2020)
Ph.D. student in Business Economics, Ghent University (November 2016 - May 2021)
Teaching and research assistant in logistics, Marburg University (August 2015 - October 2016)
Master student Industrial Engineering, University Duisburg-Essen (April 2013 - September 2015)
Bachelor student Industrial Engineering, Rfh Köln (March 2010 - February 2013)
09/2021 Ebenezer Olatunde Adenipekun's, Veronique Limère's and my paper entitled 'The impact of tranpsortation optimization on assembly line feeding' has been accepted for publication in Omega - The international Journal of Management Science. As soon as it is published online, I will add a link to the paper.
09/2021 I started my career at IÉSEG - School of Management as an assistant professor of operations management on the Paris campus.
05/2021 I defended my PhD thesis at Ghent University and am glad to anounce I will be joining IÉSEG - School of Management as an assistant professor of operations management in the fall on the Paris campus.
07/2020 I will present my current work on the integration of Assembly line balancing and assembly line feeding at the virtual INFORMS annual meeting 2020. The talk is titled "Incorporating assembly line balancing into assembly line feeding decision making"
05/2020 My latest paper, titled "Mixed model assembly line feeding with discrete location assignments and variable station space", has been accepted for publication in Omega. You can find it here.
02/2020 An abstract for a presentation on decomposing integrated assembly line balancing and feeding problems has been accepted for IFORS 2020.
01/2020 One of the master students I co-supervised, Lisa Popelier, won the ORBEL award for the best master thesis in Operations Research in Belgium, sponsored by OMPartners. The title of her thesis is "Balancing disassembly lines under consideration of tools and limited space."
01/2020 I presented my work on "Simultaneously optimizing assembly line feeding and assembly line balancing" at the Belgian OR society in Lille.
10/2019 I presented my work on "Incorporating assembly line balancing into assembly line feeding decision making" at the Informs annual meeting 2019 in Seattle.
06/2019 Lisa Popelier and J van den Broeke, two master-students I co-supervised, have successfully defended their theses.
06/2019 My abstract, titled "Incorporating assembly line balancing into assembly line feeding decision making" has been accepted for presentation at this years annual meeting of INFORMS.
05/2019 I presented my work on "Improving the solvability of time and space constrained assembly line balancing problems type E" at the Canadian OR society.
04/2019 My abstract for presentation at the Canadian OR conference has been accepted.
02/2019 Our literatur review, including a three field classification on assembly line feeding problems was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Research
02/2019 Hendrik Wijnant, a master student I co-supervised, won the best thesis award of the Belgian operational research society (ORBEL).
01/2019 I arrived at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineeering (ISYE) to collaborate with Benoit Montreuil for the upcoming nine months.
11/2018 I have been granted a travel grant from the Flemish science foundation (FWO) for my forthcoming stay at Georgia Tech.
10/2018 Hendrik Wijnant presented our paper at the ESM conference.
06/2018 I presented our paper on assembly line feeding at the INCOM conference in Bergamo.
06/2018 The Flemish Science Foundation (FWO) has awarded me a scholarship for the remainder of my Ph.D.