Nico André Schmid - Personal research website
Supervision of theses
Master theses
- Broc, Apolline: Developing a planning system for running-dinner events.
- Curtenaz, Athenais: tbd
- Nivan, Clarys: tbd
- Pang, Lina: Optimizing kitting operations for surgery kits
- Ackaert, Taike: 3D packing for optimizing shipping of goods with release and due dates. (Successfully defended, September 2020)
- Vervaecke, Pieter: Integrating the storage location decision in assembly line feeding problems. (Successfully defended, September 2020)
- Bulkmans, Elien: Case study on assembly line feeding - comparison and analysis of theoretical and industrial decisions (Successfully defended, August 2019)
- Meirlaen, Dieter: Determination of optimal Economic Order Quantities at BMT Aerospace Internation nv.
- Mughisha, Aimee, Evaluation of data sets requirements for assembly line feeding problems - building a framework for a data set database (Successfully defended, August 2019)
- Popelier, Lisa, Balancing disassembly lines under consideration of tools and limited space. (Successfully defended, June 2019)
- van den Broeke, Jasper:, Scheduling the provision of parts to assembly lines. (Successfully defended, June 2019)
- Wijnant, Hendrick, The influence of line balancing on line feeding for mixed-model assembly lines. (Successfully defended, June 2018)
- De Smaele, Vinnie:, Automation of the logistics flow from warehouse to assembly line. (Successfully defended, June 2018)
- Spring 23/24 Production planning and control system 3280, IÉSEG - School of Management, Master Programme Grande Ecole - Supply Chain management and Operations, 51 students.
- Fall 23/24 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 30 students.
- Fall 23/24 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 31 students.
- Spring 22/23 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 37 students.
- Spring 22/23 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 39 students.
- Spring 22/23 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 38 students.
- Spring 22/23 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole - International Business and Law, 38 students.
- Spring 22/23 Production planning and control 2738, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 21 students.
- Spring 22/23 Production planning and control 2738, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 13 students.
- Fall 22/23 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor in international Business, 29 students.
- Spring 21/22 Supply chain management and E-logistics, IÉSEG - School of Management, Master Programme Grande Ecole - Digital Marketing and E-Commerece, 44 students.
- Spring 21/22 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 33 students.
- Spring 21/22 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 25 students.
- Spring 21/22 Managing Resources, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole - International Business and Law, 42 students.
- Fall 21/22 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 37 students.
- Fall 21/22 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 36 students.
- Fall 21/22 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 37 students.
- Fall 21/22 Operations Management, IÉSEG - School of Management, Bachelor programme Grande Ecole, 37 students.
- Introduction to academic writing, Marburg University, 25 students.
- Fall 2018:Introduction to Operations Management, Ghent University, 250 students.
- Fall 2017:Introduction to Operations Management, Ghent University, 250 students.
- Spring 2016: Cost and benefit accounting, Marburg University, 400 students.
- Spring 2016: Introduction to academic writing, Marburg University, 25 students.
- Fall 2015: Introduction to Logistics, Marburg University, 150 students.